Rapporter og publikasjoner
Primary care doctors in acute call-outs to severe trauma incidents in Norway – variations by rural-urban settings and time factors
Where do GPs seek help for their illnesses?
Continuity and breaches in GP care and their associations with mortality for patients with chronic disease: an observational study using Norwegian registry data
Factors affecting communication during telephone triage in medical call centres: a mixed methods systematic review
Self-injurious thoughts and behaviours as the reason for contact to Norwegian emergency primary care centres: an observational study
Impact of a multifaceted intervention programme on antibiotic prescribing and dispensing in four patient-centred settings in five European countries. The HAPPY PATIENT project
Areas of consensus on unwarranted and warranted transfers between nursing homes and emergency care facilities in Norway: a Delphi study
Acute management of fractures in primary care - a cost minimisation analysis
Endret beslutningsstøtte i legevaktsentralen: effekter på hastegradsvurdering og ressursbruk
Designing for Control in Nurse-AI Collaboration During Emergency Medical Calls
Utilization of Norwegian crisis shelters before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Prevalence and predictors of post-COVID-19 symptoms in general practice - a registry-based nationwide study
Level of education and sustainable return to work among long-term sick-listed workers with depression: a register-based cohort study (The Norwegian GP-DEP Study)
The MeSH heading "Call Center" is due for an update: why we recommend the more precise heading "Emergency Medical Communication Center"
Designing for Control in Nurse-AI Collaboration During Emergency Medical Calls
Effect of an educational intervention for telephone triage nurses on out-of-hours attendance: a pragmatic randomized controlled study
Changes in Infection Prevention Practices and Occurrence of Skin Symptoms among Healthcare Workers, Cleaners and Day-care Workers in Norway during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 2023
Pandemic preparedness and management in European out-of-hours primary care services - a descriptive study
The impact of variation in out-of-hours doctors' referral practices: a Norwegian registry-based observational study - 2023
Continuity of care and mortality for patients with chronic disease: an observational study using Norwegian registry data - 2023
The association between municipal pandemic response and COVID-19 contacts to emergency primary health care services: an observational study - 2023
Primary care doctors in acute call-outs to severe trauma incidents in Norway – associations with factors related to patients and doctors
How often do nurses suspect violence and domestic violence in local emergency medical communication centre? A cross-sectional study - 2022
From direct attendance to telephone triage in an emergency primary healthcare service: an observational study - 2022
Patient-reported outcomes after initial conservative fracture treatment in primary healthcare – a survey study - 2022
Continuity of care for patients with chronic disease: a registry-based observational study from Norway - 2022
Continuity in general practice as predictor of mortality, acute hospitalisation, and use of out-of-hours care: a registry-based observational study in Norway - 2022
Reasons for acute referrals to hospital from general practitioners and out-of-hours doctors in Norway: a registry-based observational study - 2022
Preparedness and management during the first phase of the COVID-19 outbreak - a survey among emergency primary care services in Norway - 2022
Physician factors associated with medical errors in Norwegian primary care emergency services - 2021
Service quality and the optimum number of members in intermunicipal cooperation: The case of emergency primary care services in Norway - 2021
Variation in perception of safety culture in out-of-hours family medicine service in Croatia - 2021
Phone triage nurses’ assessment of respiratory tract infections – the tightrope walk between gatekeeping and service providing. A qualitative study - 2021
Physician factors associated with medical errors in Norwegian primary care emergency services - 2021
Avoidance coping mediates the effect of hardiness on mental distress symptoms for both male and female subjects - 2021
General practitioners not available – out-of-hospital emergency patients handled by anaesthesiologist in a large Norwegian municipality - 2021
Correction to: General practitioners’ and out-of-hours doctors’ role as gatekeeper in emergency admissions to somatic hospitals in Norway: registry-based observational study - 2020
Contact characteristics and factors associated with the degree of urgency among older people in emergency primary health care: a cross-sectional study - 2020
Out-of-hours workload among Norwegian general practitioners – an observational study - 2020
Characteristics of aggressive incidents in emergency primary health care described by the Staff Observation Aggression Scale - Revised Emergency (SOAS-RE) - 2020
Associations between characteristics of the patients at municipal acute bed unit admission and further transfer to hospital: a prospective observational study - 2020
Årsmelding 2024 - Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for legevaktmedisin
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Oppdaterte verktøy for vurdering og håndtering av akutt syke eldre - 2022